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Back to School with MRSA

Bath or Shower? Morning or Evening? The weather is changing and the days are shortening. Most students and teachers are now back in the classroom and the daily routines are reinstated in most households.  MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staph aureus) loves this time of year and the school...


“This is a time of unprecedented global interest and investment in health. But it is also a time of unprecedented challenges. Increasingly, all around the world, health is being shaped by the same powerful forces. A communicable disease in one part of the world can...

A Scary (true) Story

Let me share with you a scary but true story of foodborne illness: In 1951, a terrible outbreak of foodborne illness occurred in a small village in France called Pont St. Esprit. This tiny town was named after an old bridge that spanned the Rhone River....

It’s about sustainability: Every day is Earth Day

Ok. It’s been a week now since Earth Day. Are there any sustained changes in your lifestyle? I did find out that Earth Day started 38 years ago. Before Earth Day, I can remember the “Don’t be a Litterbug” Campaign in the 1960’s. Before that...

Warning: Easter Baby Chicks Can Harbor Salmonella

Stop! Resist the temptation to get the children a baby chick as part of your Easter/Spring celebration. Tagging along with those irresistible baby chicks many families “adopt” during Easter season, is a nanobug that you surely didn’t want to bring into your home: Salmonella enteritidis....

Mosquitoes spread West Nile Virus

It is time for the West Nile Virus nanobug to start showing up. This nanobug was first detected in the Western Hemisphere in 1999 and has spread rapidly across North America since then. Mosquitoes carry the West Nile Virus to humans from infected birds.   So...