Cyclospora cayetanensis

(sy-kloh-spor-ah kah-yet-an-nen-sis)
Cyclospora cayetanensis
About This nanobug

Nickname: Cyclospora


Morphology: Protozoan parasite often mistaken for Cryptosporidium parvum though it is much larger. The oocyst has a wrinkled appearance. It is chlorine and iodine resistant.


Habitat: Found in the environment in soil and water and often ends up in irrigation water used for growing fruits and vegetables.


Disease or illness: When food or water contaminated with Cyclospora is ingested by a susceptible person, the oocycsts attack the lining of the small intestine and multiply. This causes nausea, diarrhea with abdominal cramps, flatulence and fever. The illness lasts 10-24 days.


Who is at risk: Anyone consuming contaminated water or raw fresh foods, especially children, the elderly, and travelers to countries or areas without effective water treatment processes.


Avoidance techniques: Wash produce before eating (although this does not eliminate the risk of infection). Cook foods to proper temperatures. Boil drinking water for a full minute when traveling to areas where drinking water is not properly treated (filtered).


“When travelers drink the local tap water, I can make them a toilet squatter. ”