
Aerobic – adj. able to live and grow only where free oxygen is present


Anaerobic– adj. able to live and grow without air or free oxygen


Antibiotic-resistant – adj. able to avoid being weakened or destroyed by an antibiotic drug


Antibody – n. a protein produced by the body to neutralize and antigen (microbe)


Bacteria – n. microbes which have no chlorophyll and multiply by simple division


Flagella – n. whiplike parts of some cells which are used for moving about


Fungus – n. any of a group of simple plants such as molds, that lack chlorophyll, stems, leaves, and leaves and reproduce by spores


Menagerie – n. a collection of wild animals kept in cages for exhibition


Microbe – n. a microscopic organism like a bacteria, virus, or fungus

Microbiology – n. the study of microbes


Morphology – n. the study of form and shape and structure


Motility – n. spontaneous motion


Non-pathogenic – adj. not capable of causing disease


Parasite – n. one who lives at others’ expense without making useful return


Pathogen – n. a microbe capable of causing disease


Probiotic – n. dietary supplements containing potentially beneficial microbes (bacteria, or yeasts)


Spore – n. a small reproductive body produced by some microbes which is capable of creating a new microbe


Virus – n. tiny infectious agents causing various diseases