My son loves these nanobugs cards and anything health-related that he can talk about with as much passion as his Star Wars pocket models, Pokemon cards and whatnot, is fine by me.
Thank you for sending the items so quickly. Our student population loves your product line, especially the tattoos.
Cheryl Block - Aurora University Wellness Center
I want our in-house graphic artists to create a poster for use in our hospital as we implement the use of new chlorhexidine cloths for total body cleansing for our pre-operative patients. I was hoping to get permission to use the nanobugs for VRE, MRSA, Pseudomonas, Enterococcus and E coli to make a light-hearted poster about SSI prevention.
Anne. C. - Tripler Army Medical Center
Everyone at my nursing home REALLY liked the C. diff presentation I did last week, and your Nanobug was the whole reason! As I started talkign to the CNA's I saw their eyes glazing over and then I brought out your static cling and started explaining about the gas mask and the grenades and everyone of them perked right up! It was pretty amazing!
Debbie R.
I find it unbelievable how early girls are maturing. There are definite signs that my granddaughters are entering puberty. Both girls are aware of monthly cycles and know what male humans look like but to start explaining about STD’s at this age is scary. Thank goodness they are homeschooled. The nanobugs have helped in explaining diseases – for that I am so very grateful. Bless you for creating these nanobugs.
Patricia G.
I ordered a card collection for my son. Even though he is only 8 months old now, I am sure he will enjoy them in a couple years. Thank you. Osaka, Japan
M. Hosotani interesting and fun approach to learning.
Wendy W.
I am a teacher here in Australia. I recently used Nanobugs tattoos with my students as a discussion point to emphasize the value of washing hands and basic hygiene. It was a good way to get their attention.
Jacob R.
My kids love to play with the Nanobugs playing cards. They love the Nanobugs!
Shawn M.
My 8-year-old son has a strong interest in viruses and bacteria. He has enjoyed visiting the nanobugs on-line, and I am excited to give him the trading cards for Christmas. What a fun and useful item for science-minded kids.
a Mom in Lincoln, NE
The Nanobugs are really fantastic. I am still laughing. Thanks for keeping me informed.
Gladys S.
My kids love the nanobugs training shirt for children that says, “sneeze here!” I’ve been trying to get them to do that for a long time now. They are getting better but sometimes forget. The training shirt is a good reinforcement of the behavior I want them to demonstrate all the time.
Chad F.
The nanobugs cards say what they say on the computer. Some of the nanobugs are good and some are bad. I think these cards are cool!
Ryan L. (1st Grade)
I am the Health and Safety Coordinator at Idaho State University Department of Dental Hygiene. I am responsible for providing initial infection control training to first year dental hygiene students as well as providing an annual OSHA BBP update to our second year students, faculty, and staff who work in the dental hygiene clinic. I used the nanobugs Hepatitis A rap video in my powerpoint last week for the annual update for all staff and students. They really enjoyed it and we got a lot of laughs. Infection control can be a dry or boring topic, but this video helped make the information much more interesting and fun for all. Thanks, again! Assistant Professor & Health and Safety Coordinator Idaho State Universtity Department of Dental Hygiene
Kandis Garland RDH MS
Your website is a really fun place to share with my 4-year-old grandson when he visits. He loves to watch the nanobugs do their little monologs. His favorite nanobug is Pseudomonas aeruginosa. He can pronounce their names after listening to the announcer on the website. I was happy when you added the additional information to the menagerie. Alex was asking for more information and I didn't want to try and make things up. By the way, Alex now willingly brushes his teeth saying "let’s get rid of those nanobugs on our teeth". (Streptococcus mutans)
Nancy S.
I am a peds oncology RN and I love this website for it's multi-level educational approach!! Good work!
Jane S.
I am a critical care RN on disability and I help homeschool my granddaughters. They love playing “Go Fish” with the nanobugs playing cards. They fight over the card for Lactobacillus acidophilus (“the good bug”). Sometimes I have to look up a bug in my medical textbooks to answer their questions about some of the nanobugs. I think I need to get them the Nanobugs Card Collection now so they can find the answers to their questions themselves.
Your presentation at the Rocky Mountain Infection Control Meeting in Salt Lake City was so fun and very informative! Microbiology can be such a difficult subject! I'm looking forward to any way that you can make it easier for all of us! I won the playing cards and LOVE them! I'll wear my "NANOBUG" tee shirt at the next nurses meeting! THANKS!
Thank you for coming to Prescott and teaching our students about "practical microbiology" last week. We had almost 390 students about infection prevention-and even the preschool students learned about handwashing, coughs and sneezes. The students are still talking about Nanobugs and microbes. We visited the nanobugs website so that all the students could see how it works. Many who have the internet at home have already visited it. The students loved the tattoos and collectible cards you gave away and the Card Collection you donated to the Prescott Library. I learned so much myself. It was a wonderful experience for us all.
Laura Tegtmeier - science teacher - Prescott Elementary School - Lincoln, Nebraska
I finally found the time to check this website out. This is incredible! The oldest boy that I nanny, Jacob (age 8) found the information and cartoon characters so intriguing! I had fun showing him and his brother, Jordan (age 5) your website. Now they go around the house pointing out areas of possible living spaces for Nanobugs and they love to make sure the other is washing their hands all day. I am so excited about your website.
Emmy C.
My name is Alex. Today you spoke to our class (Norris High School) about microbiology and the nanobugs. I think people need to be more informed on how to not spread germs. I think those nanobugs cards are wonderful and what a brilliant idea to put them on cards. I would like to commend you on everything you’ve done and tell you to keep on doing everything like this.
Alex G.
The Nanobugs tattoos were a big hit at our hospital safety fair. My assistant took one home to put on her daughter. She said they are the best quality tattoos and it stayed on for a loooooooooooong time!
Barbara G.